Nothing So Secret
Jackson Pollock
Guardians of the Secret, 1943
oil on canvas
Administration Leaks Confirm AT&T and Verizon's Role in Warrantless Wiretapping
...the Administration went to work on gathering political support for its proposal to grant retroactive immunity to the telecommunications giants. Over a dozen government officials spoke to the Associated Press "on condition they not be identified because sensitive negotiations with Congress are ongoing." Despite the oft-repeated litigation position that naming particular telecommunications companies was too sensitive:
One of the officials said the defendants in suits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union — Verizon and AT&T — would be the key beneficiaries of the proposed legislation.
The ACLU and EFF are co-lead coordinating counsel in the consolidated NSA surveillance cases against Verizon and AT&T, so its not hard to figure out what the Administration official is talking about. In order to support their arguments for immunity, the Administration felt it necessary to name the particular companies that would benefit, and thereby confirm what it contends elsewhere is a secret.
So how do we explain this apparent discrepancy?
The information is only "secret" when its discussion would be helpful to the courts in reviewing the legality of the surveillance and thereby it is kept "secret" to prevent the millions of ordinary Americans who have been illegally surveilled from establishing what has been going on and stopping it.
On the other hand, when the Adminstration believes that the information helps its efforts to strong-arm Congress into more concessions and a retroactive 'get-out-of-jail-free' card for the telecommunications carriers, they freely discuss it with the press, albeit "anonymously."
Something is very wrong here. The government's state secret argument rests on its solemn assertion that there will be "grave danger to national security" if this information is revealed, even in secret to a federal judge. Now it looks as if the government doesn't really believe this, and instead is turning the state secret privilege into just another political tool to shield judicial review of its actions.
What a bunch of weasels. It's the Rule of Lawlessness.