Working Man's Blogger
My newest @ The Bump: THE MTV CASINO
I want to see this movie,
Translating the original novel to a film is akin to writing an essay dictated to you by a dog. Adams was not particularly great at coherent plots with his books meandering like a hitchhiker would. Adams was also a vivid technophile, obsessed with the emerging digital age, and wanted any movie based on his book to be able to withstand the vastness of his imagination.
Whew! I now have 5 posts up at Just a Bump:
Ok. One reason I started this was to have a practise place for my project. I am one of four guest bloggers at Melanie's Just a This is quite a challenge but also a great opportunity to learn and grow. Like today, I just had trouble trying to figure out html codes to make my post "look right". Thanks to fellow guest blogger RT for pointing me in the right direction.
OK, Wayne. Here’s a test of your budding HTML coding skills. Post up using these tags:
I was trying to post but Blogger is messing with me just now. I wanted to practice my html but it won't let me view the blog. I will post this up just to see what happens.